1. In Case Entity, based on Incident Type selection, filter the case category using the category-incident master entity


User story: In Case Entity, based on Incident Type selection, filter the case category using the category-incident master entity

 1.       Create entity with the name of Incident Type

 2.       Create the entity with the name of Case category

3.       Create Master entity with the name of category incident type

·         Create one Incident type field with lookup datatype for Incident type entity lookup

·         Create one Category type field with the look data type for case category entity lookup

·         Write JavaScript function for name of the category incident type record with the combination of incident type and category type

·         Write JavaScript function: On form load if Incident type is null then category type in disable (read only) mode otherwise it is enabling mode

·         Write JavaScript function: On Incident type field change if Incident type field not qual to null then enable category type otherwise disable mode.

 4.       In case entity Provide the lookup for Incident Type and Case Category

5.       prepare fetchxml from the advanced find view to get the case categories based on incident type6.       create custom filter view to show retrieved case categories  

1.Create 3entities with the name of Incident Type, Case category, category incident type

2. In master Entity Provide look up for Incident Type and Case Category

3.Write JavaScript function for name of the category incident type record with the combination of incident type and category type and call it from category field on change.

// categorytype  field onchange

function category_incidentType(executionContext) {

    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    var incidentType = formContext.getAttribute("effi_incidenttype").getValue();

    var caseCategory = formContext.getAttribute("effi_categorytype").getValue();

    if (incidentType != null && caseCategory !== null) {

        var incident_name = incidentType[0].name;

        var caseCategory_name = caseCategory[0].name;

        var fullname = incident_name + " " + caseCategory_name;






4.Write JavaScript function: On form load if Incident type is null then category type in disable (read only) mode otherwise it is enabling mode and call it from form onload

// Form  OnLoad 

function cat_Type(executionContext)


    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    var incident = formContext.getAttribute("effi_incidenttype").getValue();

    if (incident == null || incident == undefined)









 5. Write JavaScript function: On Incident type field change if Incident type field not equal to null then enable category type otherwise disable mode and call it from Incident type field on change

// incidenttype field on change 

function inc_type(executionContext) {

    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    var inc = formContext.getAttribute("effi_incidenttype").getValue();

    if (inc != null) {









6.In case entity Provide the lookup for Incident Type and Case Category


7. prepare fetchxml from the advanced find view to get the case categories based on incident type

7.       Write JavaScript function to create custom filter view to show retrieved case categories and call it from incident type field on change 

function filterCaseCategory(executionContext) {

    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    var incT = formContext.getAttribute("new_incidenttype").getValue();

    var caseT = formContext.getAttribute("new_casecategory").getValue();


    if (incT != null && incT != undefined) {

        var incT_id = incT[0].id;

        var incT_name = incT[0].name;


        var viewId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008";

        var viewName ="effi_efficasecategory"

        var viewDisplayName = "FilteredCaseCategory";


        //var filterFn = function (executionContext) {

        //    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

            var filterXml = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='true'>" +

                "  <entity name='effi_efficasecategory'>" +

                "    <attribute name='effi_efficasecategoryid' />" +

                "    <attribute name='effi_name' />" +

                "    <attribute name='createdon' />" +

                "    <order attribute='effi_name' descending='false' />" +

                "    <link-entity name='effi_categoryincidenttype' from='effi_categorytype' to='effi_efficasecategoryid' link-type='inner' alias='ab'>" +

                "      <filter type='and'>" +

                "        <condition attribute='effi_incidenttype' operator='eq' uiname='" + incT_name + "' uitype='effi_effiincidenttype' value='" + incT_id + "' />" +

                "      </filter>" +

                "    </link-entity>" +

                "  </entity>" +


            var layout =

                "<grid name='resultset' icon='1' preview='1' select='1' jump='effi_name' object='5'>" +

                "<row name='result' id='effi_efficasecategoryid' >" +

                "<cell name='effi_name' width='300'/>" +

                "<cell name='createdon' width='300'/>" +

                "</row>" +



                .addCustomView(viewId, viewName,viewDisplayName,filterXml,layout,true);






        return false;



  Write JavaScript function to create custom filter view to show retrieved Incident types  and call it from case category field on change


function filterIncidentType(executionContext) {

    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    var incTypeLookup = formContext.getAttribute("new_incidenttype").getValue();

    var caseTypeLookup = formContext.getAttribute("new_casecategory").getValue();


    if (caseTypeLookup != null && caseTypeLookup != undefined) {

        var Cid = caseTypeLookup[0].id;

        var cName = caseTypeLookup[0].name;


        var viewId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008";

        var viewName = "effi_effiincidenttype"

        var viewDisplayName = "CaseType";


        //var filterFn = function (executionContext) {

        //    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

        var filterXml = "<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='true'>" +

            "  <entity name='effi_effiincidenttype'>" +

            "    <attribute name='effi_effiincidenttypeid' />" +

            "    <attribute name='effi_name' />" +

            "    <attribute name='createdon' />" +

            "    <order attribute='effi_name' descending='false' />" +

            "    <link-entity name='effi_categoryincidenttype' from='effi_incidenttype' to='effi_effiincidenttypeid' link-type='inner' alias='ac'>" +

            "      <filter type='and'>" +

            "        <condition attribute='effi_categorytype' operator='eq' uiname='" + cName +"' uitype='effi_efficasecategory' value='" + Cid +"' />" +

            "      </filter>" +

            "    </link-entity>" +

            "  </entity>" +


        var layout =

            "<grid name='resultset' icon='1' preview='1' select='1' jump='effi_name' object='5'>" +

            "<row name='result' id='effi_effiincidenttypeid' >" +

            "<cell name='effi_name' width='300'/>" +

            "<cell name='createdon' width='300'/>" +

            "</row>" +



            .addCustomView(viewId, viewName, viewDisplayName, filterXml, layout, true);




    else {

        return false;




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